Life’s Little Updates

It’s been awhile since I’ve done any real blogging on this here platform. I suppose that’s partly due to lack of discipline, partly due to lack of time, largely due to the fact that I have an almost 2 year old female offspring gamboling all over the place, and of course largely due to the fact that if one wants to eat, one must work.

I am now becoming more creative in how I can work and eat at the same time. One of those ways is writing. As long as one doesn’t spill too much peanut butter on the keyboard, one does indeed become able to have one’s bread and butter too.

The life of my dear wife and I has proceeded to undergo some difficult changes in the last several months, the most recent of which is that we have decided to move over the hills and through the woods to….well, not exactly to Granny’s house, but the point is, we’re moving. No longer farming, no more stress, no more expensive property in ritzy wine country.

Meanwhile, I have started a new writing project, and while some of you may be aware of it, others of you may not. Here is the link:

If you go to this link, (and I really hope you do! Pretty please with a cherry on top) (not a maraschino cherry) you can sign up to be a subscriber and receive updates when I publish a post. (I do not, unfortunately, publish post hole diggers, but that is rather beside the point) The point is that this new platform has the potential to earn money, receive a wider audience, and keep my nose to the keyboard, as they say.

The main subject upon which this new blog will perambulate is history. Now, don’t go running away screaming in terror. History is fascinating if only presented in the right way. I think it’s fascinating anyway, but most people aren’t like me. I hope you will give me a chance, hop over to my new blog, and start voraciously reading, and leave comments and feedback and help me become a better writer! (part of being a good writer is having enough peanut butter and enough raisins to eat, which is why eventually there will be a paid subscription option). For now, everything is “all free today!” like the evil child-catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang proclaimed, but at least I’m not hiding anything or luring an unsuspecting you into any random cages that might be lying around.

The last thing I should mention is that I do still intend to post on here, so don’t quit following this. πŸ™‚ I’ll post random things here that don’t quite fit in with history. At least for now. πŸ™‚

I hope you are all doing well and as always, thanks for reading!

P.S. Don’t forget the link:

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